May 23, 2023
DON DAY, Director, Project and Facilities Management Department
DAN MUNSEY, Fire Chief/Fire Warden, San Bernardino County Fire Protection District
Capital Improvement Program Budget Adjustments
n End
1. Approve the following budget adjustments to the San Bernardino County Capital Improvement Program budget for various San Bernardino County Fire Protection District projects:
a. A budget increase of $84,583 to Capital Improvement Program Project No. 22-087, from $166,517 to $251,100, for the County Fire Station 76 Security Fence and Lighting Project (WBSE 10.10.1273) in Bloomington.
b. A budget increase of $115,404 to Capital Improvement Program Project No. 23-029, from $198,596 to $314,000, for the County Fire Station 302 Asphalt Driveway Project (WBSE 10.10.1345) in Hesperia.
c. A budget increase of $38,320 to Capital Improvement Program Project No. 23-030, from $93,680 to $132,000, for the County Fire Station 42 Repaving Project (WBSE 10.10.1346) in Yucca Valley.
d. A budget increase of $108,000 to Capital Improvement Program Project No. 23-031, from $360,600 to $468,600, for the County Fire Station 92 Boat Safety Dock Project (WBSE 10.10.1347) in Lake Arrowhead.
e. A budget increase of $104,600 to Capital Improvement Program Project No. 23-028, from $341,500 to $446,100, for County Fire Station 96 Boat Safety Dock Project (WBSE 10.10.1344) in Fawnskin.
f. A budget increase of $60,400 to Capital Improvement Program Project No. 23-035, from $234,600 to $295,000, for the County Fire Station 304 Bathroom Remodel Project (WBSE 10.10.1351) in Hesperia.
g. A budget increase of $78,000 to Capital Improvement Program Project No. 23-038, from $378,000 to $456,000, for the County Fire Station 221 Restroom Remodel Project (WBSE 10.10.1354) in San Bernardino.
2. Approve appropriation and revenue adjustments to fund the Capital Improvement Program projects and authorize the Auditor-Controller/Treasurer/Tax Collector to post the necessary budget adjustments, as detailed in the Financial Impact section (Four votes required).
(Presenter: Don Day, Director, 387-5000)
Promote the Countywide Vision.
Operate in a Fiscally-Responsible and Business-Like Manner.
Pursue County Goals and Objectives by Working with Other Agencies and Stakeholders.
Approval of this item will not result in the use of Discretionary General Funding (Net County Cost). The projects will be funded by the San Bernardino County Fire Protection District (County Fire) with various regional service zones operating funds. Sufficient appropriation is included in the 2022-23 County Fire budget. The following budget adjustments are necessary to increase the San Bernardino County Capital Improvement Program (CIP) budget for each project:
Cost Center |
Commitment Item |
Description |
Action |
Amount |
7700003100 |
55415017 |
Fixed Assets Transfers In |
Increase |
$84,583 |
10.10.1273 |
7700003100 |
54104010 |
Improvements to Land |
Increase |
$84,583 |
10.10.1273 |
7700003100 |
55415017 |
Fixed Assets Transfers In |
Increase |
$115,404 |
10.10.1345 |
7700003100 |
54104010 |
Improvements to Land |
Increase |
$115,404 |
10.10.1345 |
7700003100 |
55415017 |
Fixed Assets Transfers In |
Increase |
$38,320 |
10.10.1346 |
7700003100 |
54104010 |
Improvements to Land |
Increase |
$38,320 |
10.10.1346 |
7700003100 |
55415017 |
Fixed Assets Transfers In |
Increase |
$108,000 |
10.10.1347 |
7700003100 |
54304030 |
Improvements to Structures |
Increase |
$108,000 |
10.10.1347 |
7700003100 |
55415017 |
Fixed Assets Transfers In |
Increase |
$60,400 |
10.10.1351 |
7700003100 |
54304030 |
Improvements to Structures |
Increase |
$60,400 |
10.10.1351 |
7700003100 |
55415017 |
Fixed Assets Transfers In |
Increase |
$78,000 |
10.10.1354 |
7700003100 |
54304030 |
Improvements to Structures |
Increase |
$78,000 |
10.10.1354 |
7700003100 |
55415017 |
Fixed Assets Transfers In |
Increase |
$104,600 |
10.10.1344 |
7700003100 |
54304030 |
Improvements to Structures |
Increase |
$104,600 |
10.10.1344 |
On June 14, 2022 (Item No. 103), the Board of Supervisors (Board) approved the 2022-23 CIP budget. The original budget was based on estimates for these projects and there have been significant price escalations in labor, materials, and other costs since that time. Due to these factors, it is now necessary to adjust the budget to ensure that these projects can be completed as planned.
The County Fire (CF) Station 76 Security Fence and Lighting Project increase of $84,583 is due to architectural design changes caused by the property line adjustments, extending the public concrete walkway, relocation of the public audio/phone boxes, keypad gate openers, apparatus remote control openers, and labor and material cost increases caused by market conditions.
The CF Station 302 Asphalt Driveway Project increase of $115,404 is due to the hazardous material abatement allowance required to provide additional asphalt replacement, not known at the time of the original estimate, limited geotechnical compaction testing, and cost increases related to petroleum product escalations.
The CF Station 42 Repaving Project increase of $38,320 is due to the hazardous material abatement allowance required to remove and replace asphalt from the staff parking lot, limited geotechnical compaction testing, and cost increases related to petroleum product escalations.
The CF Station 92 Boat Dock Project at Lake Arrowhead increase of $108,000 is due to the inclusion of a Boat Lift on the new dock that will improve the security and functionality of the watercraft during inclement weather conditions, thus extending the useful life of the watercraft, and will provide an alternate means of access for out-of-water boat service.
The CF Station 96 Boat Dock Project at Fawnskin increase of $104,600 is due to the inclusion of a Boat Lift on the new dock that will improve the security and functionality of the watercraft during inclement weather conditions, thus extending the useful life of the watercraft, and will provide an alternate means of access for out-of-water boat service.
The CF Station 304 Bathroom Remodel Project increase of $60,400 will allow for environmental testing and limited abatement, if required, as well as for increased labor and material costs.
The CF Station 221 Restroom Remodel Project increase of $78,000 will allow for environmental testing, limited abatement, if required, project management oversight, and for increased labor and material costs.
Not applicable.
This item has been reviewed by County Counsel (Katherine Hardy, Deputy County Counsel, and Scott Runyan, Principal Assistant County Counsel, 387-5455) on May 10, 2023; Auditor-Controller/Treasurer/Tax Collector (Charlene Huang, General Accounting Manager, 382-7022) on May 9, 2023; San Bernardino County Fire Protection District (Bertral Washington, Deputy Fire Chief, 387-5974) on April 14, 2023; Purchasing (Bruce Cole, Supervising Buyer, 387-2148) on April 25, 2023; Project and Facilities Management (Robert Gilliam, Chief of Project Management, 387-5000) on April 25, 2023; Finance (Yael Verduzco, Principal Administrative Analyst, 387-5285) on May 9, 2023; and County Finance and Administration (Valerie Clay, Deputy Executive Officer, 387-5423) on May 9, 2023.
(IP: 361-7280)