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File #: 6239   
Type: Discussion Status: Passed
File created: 6/7/2022 Department: Inland Counties Emergency Medical Agency
On agenda: 6/14/2022 Final action: 6/14/2022
Subject: Inland Counties Emergency Medical Agency 2022-23 Budget
Attachments: 1. ATT B-ICEMA-06-14-22-2022-23 Recommended Changes to Budget, 2. RES-ICEMA-06-14-22-2022-23 Budget Inland Counties Emergency Medical Agency, 3. ATT A-ICEMA-06-14-22-Recommended Budget - Appropriation, 4. Item #109 Executed BAI, 5. 2022-91 Executed Resolution





June 14, 2022



LEONARD X. HERNANDEZ, Chief Executive Officer, County Administrative Office 




Inland Counties Emergency Medical Agency 2022-23 Budget





Acting as the governing body of the Inland Counties Emergency Medical Agency:

1.                     Conduct a public hearing on Inland Counties Emergency Medical Agency’s 2022-23 Recommended Budget.

2.                     Adopt Resolution to approve and adopt:

a.                     Inland Counties Emergency Medical Agency’s 2022-23 Recommended Budget, including appropriation, operating transfers out, contributions to reserves, available reserves and budgeted staffing, and authorization for adjustments for final fund balance listed on Attachment A.

b.                     Any changes to the Recommended Budget that the Board of Directors may direct.

i.                     In the event that the Board of Directors makes any additions or deletions to the Budget after the public hearing and the items were not proposed in writing and filed with the Secretary of the Board of Directors before the close of the public hearing, a 4/5 vote of the Board of Directors is required.

3.                     Approve the following classification actions detailed in Attachment B:

a.                     Reclassification of positions.


(Presenter: Daniel Munoz, Interim EMS Administrator, 388-5807)




Promote the Countywide Vision.

Operate in a Fiscally-Responsible and Business-Like Manner.



Approval of this item will not impact Discretionary General Funding (Net County Cost). Inland Counties Emergency Medical Agency’s (ICEMA) 2022-23 Recommended Budget, as presented in the Recommended Budget Book, includes Requirements of $4.8 million and budgeted staffing of 19 positions. In addition, ICEMA’s budget includes $4.9 million in available reserves for future use.



The following table represents the 2022-23 Recommended Budget Summary for ICEMA, which reflects an increase from the prior year.


2022-23 Recommended Budget Summary

Includes Total Requirements


Budget Book Group

2021-22 Modified

2022-23 Recommended


Other Agencies





ICEMA ($4.8 Million, 19 Positions) - Budget Book Page 328


Description of Major Services:  ICEMA is the local Emergency Medical Services (EMS) agency for the Counties of San Bernardino, Inyo, and Mono. ICEMA is tasked with ensuring an effective system of quality patient care and coordinated emergency medical response by planning, implementing, and evaluating an effective EMS system, including prehospital providers, specialty care hospitals, and hospitals.


Description of Major Changes in 2022-23:  Notable changes for 2022-23 include the following:


                     Staffing Expenses are increasing by $161,451 primarily for negotiated Memorandum of Understanding increases and budgeted overtime costs.


                     Requirements are decreasing by $575,198 primarily due to lower operating expenses and staff vacancies.


                     Sources are increasing by $32,611 primarily due to an increase in state revenue to cover increased expenses for storage of data for the EMS data system and updated reporting requirements requested by the State.


Recommendation 1 calls for the public hearing for 2022-23 Recommended Budget for ICEMA, as required by Government Code Sections 29080 and 29081.  Prior to adopting ICEMA’s 2022-23 Budget, a notice was published on June 1, 3 and 4, 2022 setting forth the date of the public hearing for the purpose of making a determination regarding the Recommended Budget. The Recommended Budget documents were made available at the Secretary of the Board of Director’s office on May 24, 2022 for the public and the public hearing is occurring at least 10 days after the documents were made available. The notice further sets forth that any member of the general public may appear at the public hearing and be heard regarding any proposal for revision to the Recommended Budget. The Budget hearing is designed to discuss and implement any direction or changes to the Recommended Budget. Any requests for increases, decreases, or omission of any item in the budget or inclusion of any additional items shall not be made after the public hearing, unless the items were proposed in writing and filed with the Secretary of the Board of Directors before the close of the public hearing or unless approved by the Board of Directors by four-fifths vote.


Recommendation 2 adopts/approves ICEMA’s 2022-23 budget, including appropriation, contributions to reserves, available reserves, budgeted staffing and authorization for adjustments for final fund balance.


Recommendation 3 addresses actions related to the budgeted staffing and personnel actions of the 2022-23 Recommended Budget.  Budgeted staffing totals for 2022-23 include 19 positions of which 14 are regular positions and 5 are limited term positions. 




The following attachments are incorporated as part of this item:


Attachment A lists the 2022-23 Recommended Budget for appropriation, contributions to reserves, operating transfers out, available reserves, and budgeted staffing totals based on headcounts. 


Attachment B contains details regarding Classification and Reclassification actions to the 2022-23 Recommended Budget.


The Recommended Budget, including Attachment A and B, satisfies the requirements set forth in Government Code Section 29089.



Not applicable.



Personnel changes in this report have been reviewed by Human Resources (Gina King, Division Chief, 387-5571) on June 3, 2022. This item has been reviewed by County Counsel (John Tubbs II, Deputy County Counsel, 387-3203) on May 23, 2022; Finance (Carl Lofton, Administrative Analyst, 387-5005) on May 23, 2022; and County Finance and Administration (Robert Saldana, Deputy Executive Officer, 387-5423) on May 31, 2022.  This item has been coordinated with the Auditor-Controller/Treasurer/Tax Collector (Vanessa Doyle, Chief Deputy Controller, 382-3191) on June 3, 2022.