San Bernardino header
File #: 10797   
Type: Consent Status: Passed
File created: 8/30/2024 Department: Project and Facilities Management
On agenda: 9/10/2024 Final action: 9/10/2024
Subject: Change Order to Construction Contract with Angeles Contractor, Inc. for the Sheriff Colorado River Station Remodel Project in Needles
Attachments: 1. CON-PFMD-091024-Change Order-Construction Contract with Angeles Contractor Inc- Sheriff Colorado River Station Remodel, 2. Item #40 Executed BAI, 3. 23-929 C-03 Executed Contract





September 10, 2024



DON DAY, Director, Project and Facilities Management Department

SHANNON D. DICUS, Sheriff/Coroner/Public Administrator




Change Order to Construction Contract with Angeles Contractor, Inc. for the Sheriff Colorado River Station Remodel Project in Needles





Approve Change Order No. 3 to Contract No. 23-929 with Angeles Contractor, Inc., in the amount of $112,039, increasing the total contract amount from $9,764,416 to $9,876,455, for the Sheriff Colorado River Station Remodel Project in Needles (Four votes required).

(Presenter: Don Day, Director, 387-5000)




Improve County Government Operations.

Operate in a Fiscally-Responsible and Business-Like manner.

Ensure Development of a Well-Planned, Balanced, and Sustainable County.

Provide for the Safety, Health and Social Service Needs of County Residents.



Approval of this item will not result in the use of additional Discretionary General Funding (Net County Cost). The Sheriff Colorado River Station Remodel Project (Project) budget of $13,952,484 is funded from Discretionary General Funding ($6,594,490) and Proposition 172 funds ($7,357,994), as approved by the Board of Supervisors (Board) as part of the 2024-25 Capital Improvement Program budget. Sufficient budget is remaining to accommodate the increased contract amount.



Approval of Change Order No. 3 (CO3), totaling $112,039, with Angeles Contractor, Inc. (Angeles) addresses compensation for necessary additional work not included in the original bid documents. CO3 encompasses repairs to the existing leaking roof drain and to modify the roof drain downspout, procure and install two new 80-gallon water heaters as the water heaters that were to be repurposed are damaged, install grout in empty Concrete Masonry Unit (CMU) cells in the wall, modify skeleton frame due to conflicts with existing CMU rebar, install Roof I Joist reinforcing for partition frame due to unforeseen conditions, provide for additional electrical services and network systems to relocate City of Needles (City) meetings out of the City Council Chambers to resolve on-going temperature concerns as the four spot coolers/heaters are not producing sufficient cooling, to complete additional work based on Construction Change bulletin Nos. 2 and 5, and to resolve noise concerns raised by the Needles Superior Court by adding drywall coverings over door and window openings.


The Sheriff’s Colorado River Station, built in 1974 and previously shared with the City Police Department, requires a remodel to address its outdated design, accommodate increased staffing needs, and modernize the facility.  The Sheriff/Coroner/Public Administrator (Sheriff) began contracting with the City in 1989, and despite minor updates, the station and adjacent County-occupied building, totaling 9,678 square feet (sq. ft.) are inefficient.  The Project remodel will improve operational efficiency and includes upgrades to mechanical systems, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance, innovative technologies and utilities, including installation of a door and intercom control system, and surveillance cameras, enhancing overall functionality.


Since 2014, the Board has made several amendments to use Permit Agreement No.14-47 for the City-owned office space, adjusting the area and terms to accommodate the Sheriff's expanding needs.  These adjustments include space corrections, expansions (totaling 3,684 sq. ft.), the introduction of rent fees, and extended maintenance obligations.  The most recent amendment, approved by the Board on August 22, 2023 (Item No. 70), further expanded the space adding 321 sq. ft., increasing the total to 4,005 sq. ft., expanded maintenance obligations, and adjusted the rental rate schedule.


On March 14, 2023 (Item No. 31), the Board authorized the Project and Facilities Management Department (PFMD) to advertise for competitive bids for the Project.  On March 17, 2023, PFMD advertised in the Daily Press, six plan rooms, and on the County’s Electronic Procurement Network (ePro) via Request for Proposal No. ANE223-ANE2C-4925.  On May 3, 2023, three bids were received.


On August 22, 2023 (Item No. 50), the Board awarded Contract No. 23-929 (Contract) to Angeles, the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, in the amount of $9,115,000.


On April 23, 2024 (Item No. 40), the Board approved Change Order No. 1 (CO1) with Angeles, in the amount of $373,654, attributable to the requirement for extra work that was not accounted for in the original bid documents.  CO1 encompassed lead abatement for two existing carports, costs related to the solar carport, the addition of four tower ceramic heaters, and updated the program logic controller system.  These modifications were crucial to ensure the Project met operational standards.  Furthermore, due to the increased use of the Council Chambers, these modifications addressed various issues and improved the functionality of the space, including the expediting of heater installations for meetings.  Latent environmental tests revealed the need for lead abatement, actual costs for solar carports exceeding the allocated budget by $291,115, and errors and omissions in the demolition plans that failed to indicate necessary abatement. CO1 resulted in a 4.1% increase in the original Contract, increasing it from $9,115,000 to $9,488,654, with no impact to the construction schedule.


On July 9, 2024 (Item No. 28), the Board approved Amendment No. 1 (A1) in the amount of $133,119 and Change Order No. 2 (CO2) in the amount of $142,643 for a total increase in the amount of $275,762.  A1 provided for the additional scope of work to provide new site utility drawings for a six-inch underground (UG) fire water line needed to meet current fire line safety codes due to incorrect information on the As-Built plans and utility location plan.  CO2 incorporated modifications related to revisions to the Contract drawings, owner-directed changes in the field, or responses to contractor requests or information.  CO2 encompassed investigation of power issues in the City Council Chambers building, reconfigured the circuits in the Panel C to provide dedicated power to temporary spot coolers, installed temporary electrical water heaters and recirculating pumps for the Jail, installed a permanent electrical water heater for the City Council Chambers building to provide hot water in both buildings, repaired a depressed concrete slab, revised a breezeway floor finish, provided switchable glass for interior storefront No. 18, furnished and installed GE Elemax Fluid Applied Weather Barrier on all exterior stucco finished walls, repaired a broken sewer line by installing a new UG sewer line, installed two layers of plywood for electrical conduit racking at I-Joist, and completed a vehicle gate controller repair impacting the Jail.  A1 and CO2 resulted in an additional 3% increase to the Contract amount, increasing it from $9,488,654 to $9,764,416.


The unanticipated additional costs in CO3 are related to events that took place after the competitive bid process that resulted in the Contract award to Angeles, therefore, no additional procurement activities are required


Public Contract Code section 20136 requires all construction contract change orders to have four vote approval by the Board.



Not applicable.



This item has been reviewed by County Counsel (Daniel Pasek, Deputy County Counsel, 387-5455) on June 11, 2024; Sheriff/Coroner/Public Administrator (Jose Torres, Administrative Manager, 387-3465) on July 1, 2024; Purchasing (Dylan Newton, Purchasing Buyer II, 387-3377) on July 10, 2024; Project and Facilities Management (Robert Gilliam, Chief of Project Management, 387-5000) on July 12, 2024; Finance (Yael Verduzco, Principal Administrative Analyst, 387-5285) on August 23, 2024; and County Finance and Administration (Valerie Clay Deputy Executive Office, 387-5423) on August 23, 2024.