February 11, 2020
Brendon Biggs, Interim Director, Department of Public Works - Surveyor
Parcel Map No. 20012 to Create Three Parcels on 9.29 Acres in the Bloomington Area
1. Accept and approve Parcel Map No. 20012, as certified and recommended by the County Surveyor, consisting of three parcels on 9.29 acres of property owned by the County of San Bernardino, located in the Bloomington area.
2. Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to sign the owner’s certificate on the Parcel Map.
3. Adopt Resolution dedicating a portion of Parcel Map No. 20012 along Valley Boulevard in the Bloomington area for public road right-of-way purposes.
4. Adopt Resolution dedicating a portion of Parcel Map No. 20012 along Marygold Avenue in the Bloomington area for public road right-of-way purposes.
5. Direct the Clerk of the Board to forward a copy of the Resolutions identified in Recommendation Numbers 3 and 4, above, to the Department of Public Works to be recorded with the Assessor-Recorder-County Clerk.
(Presenter: Brendon Biggs, Interim Director, 387-7906)
Ensure Development of a Well-Planned, Balanced, and Sustainable County.
Provide for the Safety, Health and Social Service Needs of County Residents.
Approval of this item will not result in the use of Discretionary General Funding (Net County Cost). The subdivision of County-owned property into three parcels, as well as the dedication of a portion of Parcel Map No. 20012 for public road right-of-way purposes in the Bloomington area does not have a financial impact to the Department of Public Works - Surveyor (Department). The administrative costs of the requested actions are minimal and are included in the Department’s 2019-20 budget.
Parcel Map No. 20012 will create three lots. The recommended actions will subdivide property located approximately 1,000 feet westerly of the intersection of Valley Boulevard and Locust Avenue to create 3 parcels on 9.29 acres of land on Assessor Parcel Numbers 0252-05-135, 0252-051-38, 0252-051-39, and 0252-051-08 in the community of Bloomington. The property was purchased by the County of San Bernardino for the affordable housing Bloomington Planned Development Phase III Project (Project) and the relocation of Ayala Park. The County Board of Supervisors (Board) is reviewing this subdivision as both the owner of the property and as the regulator of subdivisions under the California Subdivision Map Act, Government Code section 66410 et seq., and Title 8 of the San Bernardino County Code (County Development Code). In order to satisfy the conditions of approval for the Parcel Map, this item also dedicates, by adoption of resolutions, portions of the subdivided property for public road right-of-way.
Public Road Right-of-Way - Valley Boulevard and Marygold Avenue: On January 14, 2019 Tentative Parcel Map No. 20012 was approved by staff action to subdivide the property into three parcels. The preliminary and Final Development Plans for the Bloomington Planned Development Project were approved subject to the conditions of approval on January 14, 2019. The Final Development Plans, approved by staff action, require dedication of public road right-of-way along Valley Boulevard and Marygold Avenue to meet the requirements of the County Development Code. Adoption of the resolutions identified in Recommendations Number 3 and 4 will satisfy this requirement.
Chief Executive Officer Authorization: If the Board, acting on behalf of the County as the property owner, approves Parcel Map No. 20012, then it is recommended that the Board also authorize the Chief Executive Officer to execute the owner’s certificate on the Parcel Map.
To date, engineering and inspections, as well as all required road, drainage and water improvements have not been completed. The County Community Development and Housing Department has taken steps to ensure the tenant/developer Bloomington Ill Housing Partners L.P., HPI Bloomington Ill, LLC and Bloomington Community Center Developer, LLC completes and guarantees the improvements. On June 25, 2019 (Item No. 79), the Board approved a Land Disposition, Development and Funding Agreement No. 19-406 with Bloomington Ill Housing Partners L.P., HPI Bloomington Ill, LLC and Bloomington Community Center Developer, LLC for the construction of the Project. As part of said agreement, the developer provided a completion guaranty for the project in favor of the County of San Bernardino securing the completion of the required improvements.
Based on the above, all conditions, local ordinance, and state law for Parcel Map No. 20012 have been met. Board approval is required to accept the final Parcel Map pursuant to Government Code sections 66458 as well as Chapter 87.01 of the County Code.
Not applicable.
This item has been reviewed by County Counsel (Suzanne Bryant, Deputy County Counsel, 387-5455) on January 24, 2020; Community Development and Housing (Gary Hallen, Director, 387-4411) on January 23, 2020; Finance (Jessica Trillo, Administrative Analyst, 387-4222) on January 27, 2020; and County Finance and Administration (Matthew Erickson, County Chief Financial Officer, 387-5423) on January 28, 2020.