January 14, 2025
DAN MUNSEY, Fire Chief/Fire Warden, San Bernardino County Fire Protection District
Transfer of Surplus Property to the Fontana Rotary Club
Acting as the governing body of the San Bernardino County Fire Protection District:
1. Declare the 1998 Paystar i5000 Water Tender (Equipment No. 048003/Vehicle Identification Number 1HTTNADT9WJ00006Y), which is fully depreciated and has an estimated value of approximately $4,000, surplus property that no longer meets the needs of the San Bernardino County Fire Protection District.
2. Approve agreement with the Fontana Rotary Club for the transfer of surplus property identified in Recommendation No. 1 to the Fontana Rotary Club at no cost, with San Bernardino County Fire Protection District receiving a full release of liability upon transfer of title.
3. Authorize the Director of the Fleet Management Department to execute all necessary documentation for transfer of title of the surplus property identified in Recommendation No. 1.
(Presenter: Dan Munsey, Fire Chief/Fire Warden, 387-5779)
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Provide for the Safety, Health and Social Service Needs of County Residents.
Pursue County Goals and Objectives by Working with Other Agencies and Stakeholders.
Approval of the recommended actions will not result in the use of Discretionary General Funding (Net County Cost), as there are no costs involved with the transfer of San Bernardino County Fire Protection District (SBCFPD) surplus property to the Fontana Rotary Club (Fontana Rotary).
The SBCFPD 1998 Paystar i5000 Water Tender (Equipment No. 048003) vehicle has been replaced, is fully depreciated, placed in reserve, no longer meets the needs of SBCFPD, and is considered surplus. Therefore, SBCFPD recommends that the asset be declared surplus property and transferred to Fontana Rotary through approval of a no cost agreement.
Fontana Rotary is a local division of Rotary International and the Rotary Foundation. The Rotary Foundation is a non-profit corporation that supports the efforts of Rotary International to achieve world understanding and peace through international humanitarian, educational, and cultural exchange programs; as such, it is able to make local and international donations. Fontana Rotary is an established group of business and community leaders working locally to support local charities and organize action to create change, solve problems, and address community needs.
SBCFPD is recommending approval of an agreement to transfer the water tender vehicle to Fontana Rotary. SBCFPD has worked with other Rotary Clubs in the past to transfer surplus vehicles, which the Rotary Clubs have then transferred to public entities with a need for these vehicles. Fontana Rotary will help SBCFPD facilitate the transfer of the surplus item.
Fontana Rotary intends to transfer the surplus vehicle to the Zacapo Fire Department (Zacapo Fire) in Michoacan, Mexico. Zacapo Fire is the primary rescue and recovery response agency responsible for that small mountain community and has a small fire truck with very limited water resources. The water tender is used to transport water to fire engines in areas where there are no fire hydrants, and would assist with having a closer water source available to help Zacapo Fire respond to fires.
On October 27, 2023, SBCFPD received a request from Fontana Rotary for rescue equipment, particularly a water tender. The vehicle recommended for surplus and transfer cannot be used in California without a significant cost to upgrade the vehicle due to South Coast Air Quality Management District regulations. This vehicle has been out-of-service for some time, is fully depreciated, and no longer meets the needs of SBCFPD.
In exchange for the no cost transfer, SBCFPD will receive indemnity and a full release of liability for this vehicle pursuant to the terms of the recommended agreement. In addition, Fontana Rotary will provide press and social media coverage for this no cost transfer in collaboration with SBCFPD for their joint goodwill efforts. The press and media coverage provided by Fontana Rotary will help SBCFPD in the development of additional community relations and support with/from the public and non-profit entities that support the SBCFPD community on various matters. The press and social media coverage, as well as the consideration that SBCFPD will receive under the agreement (in the form of the indemnity and full release of liability in favor of SBCFPD), exceeds the value of the surplus item being transferred at no cost. Since the agreement transfers a surplus vehicle, the agreement requires Fontana Rotary and their insurance carrier to waive their right of subrogation against SBCFPD. The transfer of title will be coordinated with the Purchasing Department and Fleet Management Department.
Not applicable.
This item has been reviewed by County Counsel (Rick Luczak, Deputy County Counsel, 387-5455) on November 20, 2024; Purchasing (Monique Hernandez, Administration and Operations Manager, 387-2067) on November 19, 2024; Fleet Management (Mark McCullough, Director, 387-7870) on November 20, 2024; Finance (Ivan Ramirez, Administrative Analyst, 387-4020) on November 21, 2024; and County Finance and Administration (Valerie Clay, Deputy Executive Officer, 387-5423) on November 27, 2024.