San Bernardino header
File #: 10806   
Type: Consent Status: Passed
File created: 8/30/2024 Department: Project and Facilities Management
On agenda: 9/10/2024 Final action: 9/10/2024
Subject: Construction Contract with R.E. Schultz Construction, Inc., for Glen Helen Island Tower Building Demolition and Amenity Installation
Attachments: 1. ATT-PFMD-091024-Construction Contract-R.E. Schultz Construction, Inc.-Glen Helen Island Tower Building Demo-Addendum No. 2, 2. ATT-PFMD-091024-Construction Contract-R.E. Schultz Construction, Inc.-Glen Helen Island Tower Building Demo-Addendum No. 3, 3. ATT-PFMD-091024-Construction Contract-R.E. Schultz Construction, Inc.-Glen Helen Island Tower Building Demo-Addendum No. 3-3D Renderings, 4. ATT-PFMD-091024-Construction Contract-R.E. Schultz Construction, Inc.-Glen Helen Island Tower Building Demo-Addendum No. 3-Plans, 5. CON-PFMD-091024-Construction Contract-R.E. Schultz Construction, Inc.-Glen Helen Island Tower Building Demo, 6. ATT-PFMD-091024-Construction Contract-R.E. Schultz Construction, Inc.-Glen Helen Island Tower Building Demo-Addendum No. 1, 7. Item #42 Executed BAI, 8. 24-837 Executed Contract





September 10, 2024



DON DAY, Director, Project and Facilities Management Department

BEAHTA DAVIS, Director, Regional Parks Department




Construction Contract with R.E. Schultz Construction, Inc., for Glen Helen Island Tower Building Demolition and Amenity Installation





1.                     Approve the following addendums to the bid documents for the Glen Helen Island Tower Building Demolition and Amenity Installation Project:

a.                     Addendum No. 1 dated May 16, 2024, to the bid documents, which corrected a discrepancy between the date on the bid documents and the date on the County Electronic Procurement Network site referencing the pre-bid meeting.

b.                     Addendum No. 2 dated May 23, 2024, to the bid documents, which corrected the date advertised in the San Bernardino County Sun.

c.                     Addendum No. 3 dated July 3, 2024, to the bid documents, which provided clarification to the pre-bid meeting agenda information, additional renderings for the playground theme, and answers to contractor questions.

2.                     Award a construction contract to R.E. Schultz Construction, Inc., in the amount of $1,643,350, for the Glen Helen Island Tower Building Demolition and Amenity Installation Project.

3.                     Authorize the Director of the Project and Facilities Management Department to order any necessary changes or additions in the work being performed under the construction contract, for a total amount not to exceed $94,667, pursuant to California Public Contract Code Section 20142.

4.                     Authorize the Director of the Project and Facilities Management Department to accept the work when 100% complete and execute and file the Notice of Completion.

(Presenter: Don Day, Director, 387-5000)




Promote the Countywide Vision.

Provide for the Safety, Health and Social Service Needs of County Residents.



Approval of this item will not result in the use of Discretionary General Funding (Net County Cost). The Glen Helen Island Tower Building Demolition and Amenity Installation Project (Project) budget of $2,461,927 (WBSE 10.10.1400) is comprised of the following components:






Project Management




Contingency & Escalation




Total Project Budget



The Project budget of $2,461,927 is funded from the American Rescue Plan Act. Sufficient appropriation and revenue are included in the 2024-25 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) budget to award this contract.



The recommended action will award a construction contract to R.E. Schultz Construction, Inc. for the Project located at 2555 Glen Helen Parkway in San Bernardino. The Project involves the demolition of three buildings on the island: the Building Tower, Restroom, and Snack Bar structures. The existing concrete path of travel will also be removed, along with the electrical and plumbing service runs. The Project also includes the installation of the following: a new playground system covering 10,680 square feet; a new Americans with Disabilities Act compliant concrete path of travel; a drinking fountain; a perimeter steel pipe fence with decorative steel plate silhouettes; and an upgraded electrical panel.


On May 7, 2024 (Item No. 34), the Board of Supervisors (Board) determined the Project to be categorically exempt from further review under Section 15303(e), Class 3, of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines (Title 14, California Code of Regulations), which covers new construction, conversion, or small commercial structures in urbanized areas not exceeding 10,000 square feet.


This determination was supported by the Notice of Exemption, which confirms that construction of a new island tower aligns with the criteria outlined in Class 3 exemptions, thus indicating no significant environmental impact. As such, no additional CEQA review is deemed necessary at this juncture.


This Project is consistent with County Administrative Office approved CIP request No. 23-093



On May 7, 2024 (Item No. 34), the Board authorized the Project and Facilities Management Department (PFMD) to advertise for competitive bids. PFMD advertised for bids in six Plan Rooms, on the County Electronic Procurement Network (ePro) on May 10, 2024, and in the San Bernardino County Sun on May 28, 2024. On May 30, 2024, 12 contractors attended a mandatory job walk. On May 16, 2024, Addendum No. 1 was issued which corrected a discrepancy between the bid documents and ePro regarding the date of the pre-bid conference. On May 23, 2024, Addendum No. 2 was issued which corrected the date in which the bid was advertised in the San Bernardino County Sun and moved the date of the pre-bid meeting. On July 3, 2024, Addendum No. 3 was issued which provided clarification to the pre-bid meeting agenda information, additional renderings for the playground theme, and answers to contractor questions. On July 9, 2024, the following seven bids were received:





R.E. Schultz Construction, Inc.






Diamond Construction Inc.

Moreno Valley


Dalke & Sons Construction, Inc



Angeles Contractor Inc.

City of Industry


KNC Construction 

Apple Valley


Horizons Construction




PFMD recommends the Board award the construction contract to R.E. Schultz Construction, Inc., the lowest responsive and responsible bidder.



This item has been reviewed by County Counsel (Julie Surber, Principal Assistant County Counsel, 387-5455) on July 15, 2024; Regional Parks (Beahta Davis, Director, 387-2340) on July 17, 2024; Purchasing (Dylan Newton, Purchasing Buyer II, 387-5285) on August 6, 2024; Project and Facilities Management (Robert Gilliam, Chief of Project Management, 387-5000) on August 6, 2024; American Rescue Plan Act (Joon Cho, Chief Administrative Analyst, 387-5402) on August 14, 2024; Finance (Elias Duenas, Finance Analyst, 387-0294 and Yael Verduzco, Principal Administrative Analyst, 387-5285) on August 23, 2024; and County Finance and Administration (Valerie Clay, Deputy Executive Officer, 387-5423) on August 23, 2024.


(RB: 909 832 0726)