June 14, 2022
DIANE RUNDLES, Director, Human Resources Department
Appropriation Adjustments for various Department Expense
1. Approve purchase of an unbudgeted fixed asset in an amount not to exceed $150,000, for the purchase of a vehicle to be modified from the base model to a vehicle that will serve as a mobile office location to conduct mobile hiring events.
2. Approve Capital Improvement Program - Human Resources Electrical Panel, in the amount of $150,000.
3. Authorize the Auditor-Controller/Treasurer/Tax Collector to post the necessary budget adjustments as detailed in the Financial Impact section to the Human Resources 2021-22 budget to fund a Capital Improvement Program project and the purchase of the unbudgeted fixed asset (Four votes required).
(Presenter: Diane Rundles, Director, 387-5550)
Operate in a Fiscally Responsible and Business-Like Manner.
Approval of this item will not result in the use of additional Discretionary General Funding (Net County Cost). The recommended budget adjustments, as reflected in the below table, are needed to provide Human Resources (HR) with sufficient appropriation authority in 2021-22 for various costs associated with HR operations. If a future adjustment is required for any unknown Capital Improvement Program (CIP) increase, the department will return to the Board of Supervisors for approval, if necessary. These costs will be funded by various HR cost savings resulting from staffing vacancies that have occurred during the year.
SAP Fund Center |
Commitment Item/GL |
Description |
Action |
Amount |
7200001000 |
51001010 |
Regular Salary |
Decrease |
$500,000 |
7200001000 |
54504050 |
Vehicles |
Increase |
$150,000 |
7200001000 |
55305030 |
Operating Transfers Out |
Increase |
$150,000 |
7200001000 |
52002135 |
Special Department Expense |
Increase |
$200,000 |
7700003100 |
54304030 |
Structure & Improvements to Structure |
Increase |
$150,000 |
7700003100 |
40909975 |
Operating Transfers In |
Increase |
$150,000 |
Approval of the recommendations will provide HR with sufficient appropriation to fund expenses primarily related to an unbudgeted fixed asset and a CIP project.
The purchase of the unbudgeted fixed asset, as detailed in the Financial Impact section, will allow HR to purchase a vehicle to conduct mobile hiring events. Though the pandemic has prompted many challenges, it has also led the County’s HR Recruitment Division to evolve and identify opportunities for improvements in their service model. One new strategy involved the implementation of a Rapid Hire approach to support expeditious hiring. This approach resulted in positive results for critical departments in need of personnel to provide various community services. In 2020, HR hired 2,604 regular positions, while extra help recruitments resulted in 1,958 hires, totaling 4,562 onboarding transactions.
In 2021, HR supported departments in hiring over 4,173 new hires and continues to provide departments efficient and effective recruitment/onboarding services to expediate hiring. Events for the previous three years have occurred throughout the County to include the Department of Behavioral Health, Registrar of Voters, Sherriff/Coroner/Public Administrator Training Center, Department of Public Health, Museum, Regional Parks, Arrowhead Regional Medical Center and more. Rapid Hiring has been a successful effort but there is room to improve the efficiency and ability to hire and onboard through this strategy of recruiting, interviewing, offering live scanning, and even conducting initial drug screenings, which has significantly improved the hiring timeline.
As the County faces new trends such as a shrinking talent pool and a tight labor market, enhancing the Rapid Hiring recruitment model with a mobile unit will support the County’s ability to remain strategic in its recruitment efforts. Today, applicants seek efficient and rapid turnaround of a job offer. With a mobile vehicle unit, HR will establish a mobile office location that will be used to support County departments with a variety of services based on their recruitment needs.
The mobile vehicle unit will be modified from the base model by the Fleet Management Department to allow the capacity of two workstations, a fingerprinting station, internet within the vehicle, a printer station, and a television screen that will allow HR to advertise current job announcements. The vehicle seats up to four and will allow groups to travel together to hiring events. Services include onsite interview coordination and placement, onboarding support services to include onsite Department of Justice (DOJ) background fingerprinting services, and community education on applying for county jobs. The enhanced delivery of direct recruitment services will be used at a department’s location, career expos, and other County and external partner events, to bring jobs to the County’s diverse community and close the gap on hidden talent.
The mobile unit will help increase community outreach to areas that have historically been hard to reach. HR will achieve the community outreach goals by crafting recruitment/job awareness strategies to reach all five Supervisorial Districts and coordinate with stakeholders/departments to identify areas within the County where residents may have limited resources and information to apply for County jobs. Targeted outreach will allow HR to identify vacancies and conduct job events at local libraries or other areas readily available to County residents within that geographic region. The purchase of a vehicle that will serve as a mobile office will support the County brand to demonstrate the County is an employer of choice.
The CIP - HR Electrical Panel Project is a request for an additional electrical panel at HR’s office located at 157 West Fifth Street in San Bernardino. The current infrastructure has reached its capacity. To complete this project, an electrical engineer will need to review and evaluate the scope of work to determine feasibility. The request will enable HR to increase the electrical capacity and add to the existing infrastructure. The project includes the installation of an additional electrical panel that will allow HR to increase workstations for new staffing at its current location.
Lastly, the department is requesting a budget adjustment to expend funds on computer equipment, office furniture, software and professional services. These increases will be fully offset with savings from salaries and benefits, resulting in no net change in Requirements.
This item has been reviewed by County Counsel (Cynthia O’Neill, Principal Assistant County Counsel, 387-5397) on May 12, 2022; Auditor-Controller/Treasurer/Tax Collector (Vanessa Doyle, Deputy Chief Controller, 387-5669 on May 2, 2022; Project and Facilities Management Department (Don Day, Director, 387-5224) on May 17 2022; Human Resources Administration (Amy Coughlin, Deputy Director, 387-6051) on May 2, 2022; Finance (Jessica Trillo 387-4222 and Yael Verduzco 387-5285, Principal Administrative Analysts) on May 17, 2022; and County Finance and Administration (Paloma Hernandez-Barker, Deputy Executive Officer, 387-5423) on May 17, 2022.