December 17, 2019
TERRI RAHHAL, Director, Land Use Services Department
Title v
First Cycle 2019 General Plan Land Use Element Amendment and Related Actions
1. Conduct a public hearing to consider the First Cycle 2019 General Plan Land Use Element Amendment and:
a. Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA);
i. Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Crestwood Homes Project.
ii. Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Samra Truck Service Center Project.
b. Consider proposed ordinance relating to the zoning in the County for the Crestwood Homes Project General Plan Amendment from General Commercial (CG) and Single Residential - 20,000 sq. ft. Minimum (RS-20M) to Multiple Residential (RM) and the Samra Truck Service Center Project from General Commercial (CG) to Service Commercial (CS).
c. Make alterations, if necessary, to proposed ordinance.
d. Approve introduction of proposed ordinance.
e. Read title only of proposed ordinance relating to the First Cycle 2019 General Plan Land Use Element Amendment: waive reading of the entire text and adopt the ordinance.
f. Adopt the Resolution amending the County General Plan included in the First Cycle 2019 General Plan Land Use Element Amendment.
g. Adopt the Findings recommended by the Planning Commission for approval of the Crestwood Homes Project and the Samra Truck Service Center Project.
h. Approve the Crestwood Homes Conditional Use Permit (CUP) and Major Variance, subject to the recommended Conditions of Approval.
i. Approve the Crestwood Homes Tentative Tract Map 20267.
j. Approve the Samra Truck Service Center Conditional Use Permit, subject to the recommended Conditions of Approval.
k. Direct the Clerk of the Board to file the Notices of Determination for the Crestwood Homes Project and the Samra Truck Service Center Project.
(Presenter: Heidi Duron, Planning Director, 387-4110)
Promote the Countywide Vision.
Create, Maintain and Grow Jobs and Economic Value in the County.
Ensure Development of a Well-Planned, Balanced, and Sustainable County.
Consideration of this item will not result in the use of Discretionary General Funding (Net County Cost). Sufficient appropriation and revenue to complete this action have been included in the Land Use Services’ Planning 2019-20 budget. All costs of processing this application are paid by the applicant.
Section 65358 of the California Government Code requires that mandatory elements of the County General Plan be amended no more than four times during any calendar year. The Projects presented for approval in the Land Use Element Amendment Cycle require changes to the General Plan Land Use Designation on the approximately 10-acre Crestwood Homes project site and the 4.9 acres Samra Truck Service Center Project site. The proposed land use designation changes comprise the first amendment of the General Plan Land Use Element for 2019. Both Projects have been considered in public hearings by the Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors (Board). Therefore, the First Cycle Land use Element Amendment of the County General Plan is presented for final adoption, including the following Projects:
Project No. 1: Crestwood Homes General Plan Amendment and Condominium Development
Applicant: Crestwood Communities
Community: City of Montclair Sphere of Influence
Location: 5553 Mission Boulevard
Proposal: A) General Plan Land Use District Amendment from Single Residential (RS-20M) and General Commercial (CG) to Multiple Residential (RM) APN: 1011-351-03, -04, -05 and a portion of 1011-351-02.
B) Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for the construction of a 40-unit detached condominium development.
C) Tentative Tract Map 20267 to subdivide the property into one lot for the condominium development and two single-family lots for individual sales.
D) Major Variance for a reduced front yard setback to 15 feet, from the required 25 feet in the RM Zoning District.
CEQA: Mitigated Negative Declaration
APN: 1011-351-02, -03, -04 and -05
The Crestwood Homes Project was considered in a public hearing by the Planning Commission on October 3, 2019. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the Project with a vote of 5-0. The Project is scheduled for a public hearing before the Board on December 17, 2019.
Project No. 2: Samra Truck Service Center General Plan Amendment and Conditional Use Permit
Applicant: Money Samra
Community: Newberry Springs
Location: 48243 Memorial Drive
Proposal: A) General Plan Land Use District Amendment from General Commercial (CG) to Service Commercial (CS) on 4.9 acres.
B) Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to construct and operate a 12,252 square-foot truck service center (i.e., enclosed truck wash, mechanic shop, and tire shop with storage), and a 92,353 square-foot impound/towing facility.
CEQA: Mitigated Negative Declaration
APN: 0529-131-55 and -64.
The Samra Truck Service Center Project was considered in a public hearing by the Planning Commission on September 19, 2019. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the Project with a vote of 5-0. The Project is scheduled for a public hearing before the Board on December 17, 2019.
If after conducting a public hearing for the Crestwood Homes Project and the Samra Truck Service Center Project the Board declares its intent to approve these Projects, they will be included in the ordinance and resolution for final adoption as part of the First Cycle General Plan Land Use Element Amendment action.
Not Applicable
This item has been reviewed by (Bart Brizzee, Principal Assistant County Counsel and Jason Searles, Deputy County Counsel, 387-5455) on November 5, 2019; Finance (Kathleen Gonzalez, Administrative Analyst III, 387-5412) on December 2, 2019; County Finance and Administration (Robert Saldana, Deputy Executive Officer, 387-5423) on December 2, 2019.