January 14, 2025
JOSHUA DUGAS, Director, Department of Public Health
Grant Award Agreement from the California Department of Public Health for High-Impact HIV Prevention and Surveillance Programs for Health Departments
1. Approve grant award agreement (State Grant Agreement No. 24-10568), including non-standard terms, from the California Department of Public Health for High-Impact HIV Prevention and Surveillance Programs for Health Departments, in the amount of $4,492,021, retroactively for a five-year period of August 1, 2024, through May 31, 2029.
2. Authorize the Chair of the Board of Supervisors, Chief Executive Officer, or Director of the Department of Public Health to execute any subsequent non-substantive amendments and documents, including reports and budget plans, related to the High-Impact HIV Prevention and Surveillance Programs for Health Departments (State Grant Agreement No. 24-10568), on behalf of the County, subject to review by County Counsel.
3. Direct the Director of the Department of Public Health to transmit all non-substantive amendments in relation to the High-Impact HIV Prevention and Surveillance Programs for Health Departments (State Grant Agreement No. 24-10568) to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors within 30 days of execution.
(Presenter: Joshua Dugas, Director, 387-9146)
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This item will not result in the use of Discretionary General Funding (Net County Cost). The grant award agreement (Agreement), in the amount of $4,492,021, from the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) does not require a local match. In the first year, $771,921 will be allocated, followed by $930,025 in each of the subsequent years for the remainder of the grant term. Adequate appropriation and revenue have been included in the Department of Public Health’s (DPH) 2024-25 budget and will be included in future recommended budgets.
CDPH provides grant funding to local health jurisdictions to support the ending of the HIV epidemic in America. The High-Impact HIV Prevention and Surveillance Programs for Health Departments (HIV Prevention) funding assists DPH with achieving the State goals to implement activities focused on whole person approaches to HIV prevention and care, dismantle structural barriers to prevention and care services, increase health equity, and optimize the health of people with HIV and those who can benefit from prevention services.
DPH will use the HIV Prevention funds to implement various activities to increase HIV diagnoses. This will include expanding routine screening in healthcare settings such as the DPH Health Centers, Easy Access Clinic, Mobile Medical Units, and through DPH staff co-located at Arrowhead Regional Medical Center. Further, the department will also focus on expanding local testing programs to reach individuals in non-healthcare settings.
Additionally, DPH will ensure rapid linkage to care and antiretroviral therapy initiation, support re-engagement and retention in care and treatment, increase utilization of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis services, respond to outbreaks, investigate HIV clusters, and expand the use of syndemic approaches to whole-person care related to HIV, Hepatitis C, and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs).
The grant agreement contains the following non-standard terms, which require Board of Supervisors approval:
1. The grant agreement’s terms includes an Indemnification provision that states that the County shall “indemnify, defend and save harmless the State, its officers, agents and employees from any and all claims and losses accruing or resulting to any and all contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, laborers, and any other person, firm or corporation furnishing or supplying work services, materials, or supplies in connection with the project, and from any and all claims and losses accruing or resulting to any person, firm or corporation who may be injured or damaged by [the County] in the performance of any activities related to the Project.”
• The County Standard Term is the Contractor agrees to indemnify the County in accordance with County Policy 11-07.
• Potential Impact: Inclusion of this non-standard term would exclude the County from being compensated for loss due to any act or omission on the part of the contractor/vendor, their employees or subcontractors. It also requires the County to indemnify the State in certain events even though the State has no legal obligations to do the same for the County.
2. The grant agreement terms and conditions contain a provision that permits the State to terminate the agreement for convenience but does not contain a term permitting the County to do the same.
• The County Standard Term is that the County may terminate any agreement for convenience subject to 30 days advanced notice.
• Potential Impact: The County would not be able to cancel the agreement for any reason while the State could do so.
On November 4, 2024, DPH received notice of the Agreement (State Grant Agreement No. 24-10568) from CDPH, in the amount of $4,492,021, for a five-year period of August 1, 2024, through May 31, 2029, with $771,921 allocated in the first year, and annual allocations of $930,025 for the remainder of the grant term. Funding is provided on an annual basis through a non-competitive formula.
This item is being presented to the Board of Supervisors (Board) at this time, as this is the first date available following the required operational, fiscal, and legal reviews. Approval by the Board on this date will have no impact on DPH’s services or activities.
Not applicable.
This item has been reviewed by County Counsel (Daniel Pasek, Deputy County Counsel, 387-5455) on December 18, 2024; Finance (Iliana Rodriguez, Administrative Analyst, 387-4205) on December 18, 2024; and County and Administration (Robert Saldana, Deputy Executive Officer, 387-5423) on December 23, 2024.