San Bernardino header
File #: 11767   
Type: Consent Status: Passed
File created: 3/3/2025 Department: Public Works-Transportation
On agenda: 3/11/2025 Final action: 3/11/2025
Subject: Contract with Vance Corporation for the Reche Canyon Road and Other Roads Project in the Colton Area
Attachments: 1. ATT-PW-Trans 3-11-25 Con with Vance Corporation for Reche Canyon Road and Other Roads, Colton Area, Addendum No. 3, 2. ATT-PW-Trans 3-11-25 Con with Vance Corporation for Reche Canyon Road and Other Roads, Colton Area, Addendum No. 2, 3. ATT-PW-Trans 3-11-25 Con with Vance Corporation for Reche Canyon Road and Other Roads, Colton Area, Addendum No. 1, 4. MAP-PW-Trans 3-11-25 Con with Vance Corporation for Reche Canyon Road and Other Roads, Colton Area, 5. ADD-CON-PW-Trans 3-11-25 Con with Vance Corporation for Reche Canyon Road and Other Roads Colton Area, 6. ADD-CON-PW-Trans 3-11-25 Con with City of Colton for Reche Canyon Road and Other Roads, Colton Area - Copy, 7. Item #39 Executed BAI, 8. 25-137 Executed Contract, 9. 25-138 Executed Contract





March 11, 2025



NOEL CASTILLO, Director, Department of Public Works - Transportation




Contract with Vance Corporation for the Reche Canyon Road and Other Roads Project in the Colton Area





1.                     Approve Cooperative Agreement between San Bernardino County and the City of Colton for pavement improvement on Rancho Avenue, from 0.19 miles south of Valley Boulevard and 0.16 miles northward, in the City of Colton as part of the County’s Reche Canyon Road and Other Roads Project, effective upon execution by both parties through December 31, 2028 or completion of the project, whichever occurs first, and wherein the City of Colton shall reimburse the County up to $180,000 of City of Colton’s share of the project costs.

2.                     Approve Addendum No. 1, issued on November 7, 2024, Addendum No. 2, issued on November 25, 2024, and Addendum No. 3, issued on December 13, 2024, to the bid documents for the Reche Canyon Road and Other Roads Project in the Colton area.

3.                     Award construction contract to Vance Corporation, in the amount of $3,553,529.57, for the Reche Canyon Road and Other Roads Project in the Colton area.

4.                     Authorize a contingency fund of $355,352 for the Reche Canyon Road and Other Roads Project in the Colton area.

5.                     Authorize the Director of the Department of Public Works to approve the expenditure of the contingency fund of $355,352 for verified quantity overruns for this unit priced construction contract.

6.                     Authorize the Director of the Department of Public Works to order any necessary changes or additions in the work being performed under the contract, for a total amount not to exceed $190,176 of the $355,352 contingency fund, pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 20142.

7.                     Authorize the Director of the Department of Public Works to accept the work when 100% complete and execute and file the Notice of Completion.

8.                     Authorize the Auditor-Controller/Treasurer/Tax Collector to post the necessary budget adjustments as detailed in the Financial Impact section (Four votes required).

(Presenter: Noel Castillo, Director, 387-7906)




Ensure Development of a Well-Planned, Balanced, and Sustainable County.

Provide for the Safety, Health and Social Service Needs of County Residents.



Approval of this item will not result in the use of additional Discretionary General Funding (Net County Cost). The Reche Canyon Road and Other Roads Project (Project), in the Colton area, will be funded by a use of $4,230,000 from the County Infrastructure General Fund Reserve (Reserve). The Project is estimated to be $4,410,000, which includes $501,117.43 for Construction Inspection/Management, and is offset by a contribution from the City of Colton (City).


The following 2024-25 budget adjustments are requested:


Fund/Fund Center

Commitment Item/GL Account






Fund Balance  Committed -County Infrastructure Reserve





Operating Transfers Out





Operating Transfers In





Other Professional & Specialized Services




The City agrees to reimburse the County up to $180,000 for its share of the total Project costs for the pavement improvement work performed on Rancho Avenue during the County’s Project.



The Project involves roadway and curb ramp improvements for multiple roads in the Colton area. The improvements include full-depth pavement reconstruction, existing roadway pavement rehabilitation, construction of new and upgrading existing curb ramps in accordance with current design standards and pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) guidelines, and signing and striping improvements.


On October 25, 2022 (Item No. 65), the Board of Supervisors (Board) determined the Project was categorically exempt under the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines, Sections 15301(c) and 15302(c), approved the Project as defined in the Notice of Exemption, and directed the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors to file and post said notice.


On March 26, 2024 (Item No. 64) the Board approved appraisals for the necessary easements for the Project, authorized the acquisition of two permanent roadway easements, and authorized the Director of the Real Estate Services Department to execute the acquisition agreements to acquire the easements. Two permanent easements were subsequently acquired.


A portion of the Project, on Rancho Road from 0.19 miles south of Valley Boulevard and 0.16 miles northward, is jointly shared with the City. Under the Cooperative Agreement, the City agrees to reimburse the County up to $180,000 for pavement improvement work, including design costs, within the City’s jurisdiction, and issue a no-cost permit for work in the City’s right-of-way. The City approved this Cooperative Agreement on March 4, 2025.


This Project will have a 10 percent contingency fund of $355,352 to compensate the contractor for verified quantity overruns, as well as changes in the contract under certain circumstances.  Under an established formula based on the contract amount, Public Contract Code Section 20142 allows the Board to authorize the Director of Public Works to order changes in the contract, including for unforeseen conditions or design shortfalls, should they become necessary in the future, for a total amount not to exceed $190,176 of the $355,352 contingency fund.


The Project aligns with the County and the Chief Executive Officer’s goals and objectives of ensuring the development of a well-planned, balanced, and sustainable County by preserving and improving the structural integrity of existing road surfaces and access for pedestrians, including those with disabilities.


Following Board approval of this item, construction is anticipated to commence in April 2025 and be completed by September 2025.



On September 10, 2024 (Item No. 54), the Board approved the Project’s plans and specifications, and authorized the Director of the Department of Public Works to advertise the Project for bids.  This Project was advertised in San Bernardino County Sun newspaper on October 29, 2024, and released on the County electronic procurement network (ePro) on October 29, 2024.  Notice inviting bids were also provided to specified construction trade journals identified pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 22036. On December 19, 2024, the following five bids were received:




Total Bid

Vance Corporation

Beaumont, CA


Matich Corporation

San Bernardino, CA


All American Asphalt

Corona, CA


Calmex Engineering, Inc.

Bloomington, CA


Onyx Paving, Inc.

Anaheim, CA



The following addenda were issued during the bidding phase.


Addendum No. 1:                     Amend the Project’s special provisions, replace the proposal pages, replace the entire project plan set.


Addendum No. 2:                     Revise the bid opening date, amend the Project’s special provisions, provide answers to questions asked by bidders.


Addendum No. 3:                     Revise the proposal pages, add Caltrans encroachment permit.


The Department of Public Works has reviewed the bids received and determined that they are responsive, and recommends entering into a contract with Vance Corporation, the responsive lowest responsible bidder.  No appeal/protest letters were received.



This item has been reviewed by County Counsel (Aaron Gest, Deputy County Counsel, 387-5455) on February 6, 2025; Auditor-Controller/Treasurer/Tax Collector (Charlene Huang, Auditor-Controller Manager, 382-7022) on February 27, 2025; Purchasing (Michael Candelaria, Lead Buyer, 387-8258) on February 5, 2025; Finance (Kathleen Gonzalez, 387-5412, and Penelope Chang, 387-4886, Administrative Analysts) on February 19, 2025; and County Finance and Administration (Paloma Hernandez-Barker and Stephenie Shea, Deputy Executive Officers, 387-5423) on February 24, 2025.