August 20, 2024
NOEL CASTILLO, Director, Department of Public Works - Transportation
Grant Applications for the Local Transportation Climate Adaptation Program
1. Approve a grant application to the California Transportation Commission, in the amount of $14,200,000, for the Cycle 2 Local Transportation Climate Adaptation Program Grant call-for-projects to replace nine bridges on National Trails Highway (Historic Route 66) in the Daggett area.
2. Approve cover letter for the Cycle 2 Local Transportation Climate Adaptation Program Grant call-for-projects to replace nine bridges on National Trails Highway (Historic Route 66) in the Daggett area.
3. Approve a grant application to the California Transportation Commission, in the amount of $22,400,000, for the Cycle 2 Local Transportation Climate Adaptation Program Grant call-for-projects to replace the existing two-lane Baker Boulevard Bridge over the Mojave River with a four-lane bridge structure.
4. Approve cover letter for the Cycle 2 Local Transportation Climate Adaptation Program Grant call-for-projects to replace the existing two-lane Baker Boulevard Bridge over the Mojave River with a four-lane bridge structure.
5. Authorize the Director of the Department of Public Works to electronically submit the grant applications and cover letters to the California Transportation Commission.
6. Direct the Director of the Department of Public Works to transmit the grant applications to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors within 30 days of submission.
(Presenter: Noel Castillo, Director, 387-7906)
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Approval of this item will not result in the use of Discretionary General Funding (Net County Cost). The Department of Public Works (Department) is requesting approval to submit two Local Transportation Climate Adaptation Program (LTCAP) Grant applications. One is to request $14,200,000 to be used towards the $27,000,000 total construction cost to replace nine timber bridges on National Trails Highway (Historic Route 66) in the Daggett area, and the second is to request $22,400,000 to be used towards the $28,000,000 total construction cost to replace the existing two-lane Baker Boulevard Bridge over the Mojave River with a four-lane bridge structure (collectively, Projects). The costs incurred during the preliminary engineering phases of these Projects are funded with a combination of Measure ”I” Major Local Highway Program funds, formula State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) and Surface Transportation Program (STP) funds allocated to San Bernardino County Transportation Authority (SBCTA), and Gas Tax revenue.
Pursuant to the terms of the LTCAP Grant, the County is required to provide a 20% local match. A combined local match of $18,400,000 will be used towards the total construction costs of the Projects, meeting the 20% non-federal local match requirement, which will be funded by SBCTA with either STIP or STP formula funds, allocated to SBCTA.
Proposed funding for the two Projects, including the required 20%local match, is as follows:
Projects |
Total Cost Estimate |
LTCAP Grant Request |
Local Match and Source |
Nine National Trails Highway Bridges located at Signal Ditch, Green Ditch, Blue Ditch, Crest Ditch, Crimp Ditch, Ant Ditch, Powerline Ditch, Bloom Ditch, and Blossom Ditch |
$27,000,000 |
$14,200,000 |
$12,800,000 SBCTA STP/STIP |
Baker Boulevard Bridge |
$28,000,000 |
$22,400,000 |
$5,600,000 SBCTA STP/STIP |
The LTCAP provides funding for the development and implementation of projects that are intended to adapt to the changing climate, increase climate resiliency, and protect at-risk transportation infrastructure as well as vulnerable and under-resourced communities. The Projects were selected because they met the LTCAP goals of increasing climate resiliency and protecting at-threat transportation infrastructure using California’s climate projections while also equitably prioritizing the distribution of meaningful environmental and climate resiliency benefits to underserved, and under resourced communities.
The LTCAP Grant application requires inclusion of a signed cover letter This item will authorize the Chair of the Board of Supervisors (Board) to sign the application and cover letter for each project. Should either or both applications be selected for funding, the County and SBCTA will enter into a more detailed cooperative agreement containing the standard agreement language for project delivery.
If the applications are successful, funds will be provided to the County on a reimbursement basis, to fund the reconstruction of nine timber bridges on National Trails Highway (Historic Route 66), located in the Daggett area, at Signal Ditch, Green Ditch, Blue Ditch, Crest Ditch, Crimp Ditch, Ant Ditch, Powerline Ditch, Bloom Ditch, and Blossom Ditch. The nine timber bridges were originally built in the 1930’s with a projected lifespan of only 50 years and are now well beyond their design lifespan. The nine timber bridges are under 20 feet in length and therefore are not eligible for bridge replacement funds under the federal Highway Bridge Program. The County will reconstruct these timber bridges, replacing them with modern concrete bridge designs that replicate the original structures. Since National Trail Highway is designated by the State of California as “Historic Route 66”, it is considered important to keep the historic character of the bridges.
The existing two-lane Baker Boulevard Bridge over the Mojave River will be replaced with a four-lane bridge structure for the benefit of County residents and visitors.
On June 28, 2024, the California Transportation Commission announced the call-for-projects. Because the LTCAP is a highly competitive grant program, submission of an application is not a guarantee of funding. The LTCAP Grant application is due on August 30, 2024, and is non-binding.
The applications must be submitted electronically by the LTCAP Grant deadline. The LTCAP Grant awards are anticipated to be announced in March 2025. If selected as a recipient, the Department will return to the Board for approval to accept the grant award and for the approval of any further agreements and other applicable documents for the grant.
This action meets the County’s and the Chief Executive Officer’s goals and objectives of operating in a fiscally responsible and business-like manner by seeking grant funding for projects. Additionally, should grant funds be awarded, the action helps ensure the development of a well-planned, balanced, and sustainable county by constructing facilities that promote safety and mobility.
Not applicable.
This item has been reviewed by County Counsel (Aaron Gest, Deputy County Counsel, 387-5455) on August 14, 2024; Finance (Jessica Trillo, Administrative Analyst, 387-4222) on August 8, 2024; and County Finance and Administration (Paloma Hernandez-Barker, Deputy Executive Officer, 387-5423) on August 8, 2024.