March 11, 2025
DON DAY, Director, Project and Facilities Management Department
Construction Contract with S.A.S. Constructions for the 412 W. Hospitality Lane Upgrades Project
1. Approve Addendum No. 1 to the bid documents for the 412 W. Hospitality Lane Upgrades Project, dated November 21, 2024, providing clarifications to contractors’ questions and request for information.
2. Award construction contract to S.A.S. Constructions, in the amount of $2,726,018, for the 412 W. Hospitality Lane Upgrades Project, for a contract period of 150 calendar days from the date of the issuance of the Notice to Proceed.
3. Approve a budget increase in the amount of $1,200,121, from $2,677,953 to $3,878,074, for the 412 W. Hospitality Lane Upgrades Project in San Bernardino.
4. Authorize the Auditor-Controller/Treasure/Tax Collector to post the necessary budget adjustments, as detailed in the Financial Impact section (Four Votes Required).
5. Authorize the Director of the Project and Facilities Management Department to order any necessary changes or additions in the work being performed under the construction contract, for a total amount not to exceed $148,801, pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 20142.
6. Authorize the Director of the Project and Facilities Management Department to accept the work when 100% complete and execute and file the Notice of Completion.
(Presenter: Don Day, Director, 387-5000)
Improve County Government Operations.
Operate in a Fiscally-Responsible and Business-Like Manner.
Approval of this item will result in the use of additional Discretionary General Funding (Net County Cost). The additional $1,200,121 required for the 412 W. Hospitality Lane Upgrades Project (Project) will be funded from the Building Acquisition Reserve. On August 22, 2023 (Item No. 29), the Board of Supervisors (Board) approved $2,677,953 for the Project, also funded through the Building Acquisition Reserve, as part of the 2024-25 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) budget.
The department requests the Auditor-Controller/Treasurer/Tax Collector post the following budget adjustments to the 2024-25 budget:
Fund Center |
Commitment Item |
Description |
Action |
Amount |
1000 |
37008217 |
Building Acquisition Reserve |
Decrease |
$1,200,121 |
- |
1161161000 |
55305030 |
Operating Transfer Out |
Increase |
$1,200,121 |
- |
7700003100 |
54304030 |
Structures & Improvement to Structures |
Increase |
$1,200,121 |
10.10.1488 |
7700003100 |
40909975 |
Operating Transfer In |
Increase |
$1,200,121 |
10.10.1488 |
The Project budget of $3,878,074 is comprised of the following components:
Description |
Amount |
Design & Engineering |
$201,480 |
Project Management, Inspection and Testing |
$677,974 |
Construction |
$2,726,018 |
Construction Contingency |
$272,602 |
Total Project Budget |
$3,878,074 |
Approval of this item will allow the Project and Facilities Management Department (PFMD) to award a construction contract to S.A.S. Constructions for the Project located in San Bernardino. The Project will make critical capital repairs to the existing 52,000- square-foot three-story building by replacing all existing rooftop units, replacing the entire roof, reconfiguring the accessible path of travel to the building entrance, and remodeling the interior restrooms. These items were identified as key requirements within the Property Condition Assessment done during the due diligence period before acquisition. The budget adjustment is required due to all construction bids exceeding the original anticipated construction estimate. The adjustment will enable the Project to progress without compromising quality, scope, or timelines, while effectively addressing the unforeseen cost increases reflected in the submitted bids
On December 13, 2022 (Item No. 70), the Board approved the acquisition of the property located at 412 W. Hospitality Lane, in San Bernardino.
On August 22, 2023 (Item No. 29), the Board approved the 412 W. Hospitality Lane Upgrades Project in San Bernardino. The scope of work includes the replacement of the roof and rooftop, heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, resealing of exterior window systems, and necessary interior and exterior upgrades to comply with accessibility requirements per the California Building Code and Americans with Disabilities Act.
On September 24, 2024 (Item No. 46), the Board determined the Project to be categorically exempt from further review under California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, Existing Facilities, Section 15301, Class 1 (a) and (d). No additional CEQA review is required at this time.
This Project is consistent with County Administrative Office approved CIP Project No. 24-062.
On September 24, 2024 (Item No. 46), the Board authorized PFMD to advertise for competitive bids. PFMD advertised for bids in the Daily Press on September 27, 2024, Six Plan Rooms, and on the County Electronic Procurement Network (ePro) via Request for Proposals (RFP) No. ANE223-ANE2C-5631.
On October 17, 2024, contractors attended a mandatory job walk. On November 21, 2024, Addendum No. 1 was issued to provide clarifications to contractor questions.
On December 11, 2024, at 10.00 a.m. the following bids were received:
Name |
Location |
Bid |
S.A.S. Constructions |
Santa Ana, CA |
$2,726,018 |
Urban Professional Builders, Inc. |
Pasadena, CA |
$2,854,000 |
Horizon Construction Co Int’ Inc. |
Orange, CA |
$3,115,815 |
Angeles Contractor, Inc. |
City of Industry, CA |
$3,497,000 |
PFMD recommends the Board award a construction contract to S.A.S. Constructions, the lowest responsive and responsible bidder.
This item has been reviewed by County Counsel (Kaleigh Ragon, Deputy County Counsel, 387-5455) on January 10, 2025; Auditor-Controller/Treasurer/Tax Collector (Charlene Huang, Auditor-Controller Manager, 382-7022) on February 11, 2025; Purchasing (Ariel Gill, Supervising Buyer, 387-2070) on February 14, 2025; Project and Facilities Management (Don Day, Director Project Management, 387-5000) on February 14, 2025; Finance (Yael Verduzco, Principal Administrative Analyst, 387-5285) on February 28, 2025; and County Finance and Administration (Paloma Hernandez-Barker, Deputy Executive Officer, 387-5423) on February 28, 2025.
(BR: 771-1168)