San Bernardino header
File #: 11743   
Type: Consent Status: Passed
File created: 2/27/2025 Department: Public Health
On agenda: 3/11/2025 Final action: 3/11/2025
Subject: Grant Award from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for Strengthening Public Health Infrastructure Grant Program
Attachments: 1. COV-DPH-3-11-25 Strengthening Public Health Infrastructure Y3, 2. ATT-DPH-3-11-25 Strengthening Public Health Infrastructure Y3, 3. Item #32 Executed BAI, 4. 25-145 Executed Contract





                                          March 11, 2025



JOSHUA DUGAS, Director, Department of Public Health




Grant Award from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for Strengthening Public Health Infrastructure Grant Program





Accept Grant Award (Grant Award No. 5 NE11OE000070-03-00) from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for the Strengthening Public Health Infrastructure Grant Program, in the amount of $1,688,651, for the period of December 1, 2024, through November 30, 2025.

(Presenter: Joshua Dugas, Director, 387-9146)




Provide for the Safety, Health and Social Service Needs of County Residents.

Pursue County Goals and Objectives by Working with Other Agencies and Stakeholders.



This will not result in the use of Discretionary General Funding (Net County Cost). The award in the amount of $1,688,651 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for the Strengthening Public Health Infrastructure Grant Program funding does not require a local match. The award provides funding to strengthen the public health workforce. Adequate appropriation and revenue have been included in the Department of Public Health’s (DPH) 2024-25 budget and will be included in future recommended budgets.



The recent pandemic brought to light the critical importance of creating a robust public health system by building a stronger infrastructure to serve immediate needs in responding to and being prepared for future public health emergencies.


In June 2022, the CDC posted the Strengthening U.S. Public Health Infrastructure, Workforce, and Data Systems funding opportunity (also referred to as the Public Health Infrastructure Grant Program) for various entities, including county governments. The Strengthening Public Health Infrastructure Grant Program includes two components: Strategy A1 Workforce and Strategy A2 Foundational Capabilities.


On August 9, 2022 (Item No. 34), the Board of Supervisors (Board) approved and authorized the submission of a DPH grant application to the CDC for the Strengthening Public Health Infrastructure Grant Program for the Strategy A1 Workforce component, in the amount of $33,018,272, for the period of December 1, 2022, through November 30, 2027.


On February 28, 2023 (Item No. 43), the Board approved Agreement No. 23-153 (Grant Award No. 1 NE11OE000070-01-00) from the CDC for Strengthening Public Health Infrastructure Grant Program for the Strategy A1 Workforce component to support core infrastructure improvements, in the amount of $20,715,347, for the period of December 1, 2022, through November 30, 2027.

On July 11, 2023 (Item No. 31), the Board approved Amendment No. 1 to Contract No. 23-153 (Grant Award No. 6 NE11OE000070-01-01) for the CDC’s Strengthening Public Health Infrastructure Grant Program for the Strategy A1 Workforce component, allowing for the reallocation of the budget between line items, with no change to the amount of $20,715,347 or the period of December 1, 2022, through November 30, 2027.


On July 27, 2023, the CDC released the 2023 Non-Competing Continuation (NCC) Progress Report forms and completion instructions for the CDC’s Strengthening Public Health Infrastructure Grant Program Strategy A2 Foundational Capabilities component.


On September 26, 2023 (Item No. 52) the Board approved and authorized the submission of the 2023 NCC Progress Report Year 2 to the CDC in order to be eligible for funding for the Strengthening Public Health Infrastructure Grant Program Strategy A2 Foundational Capabilities component, in the amount of $1,688,651, for the period of December 1, 2023, through November 30, 2024. The NCC for Strategy A2 is an annual CDC process.


On February 6, 2024 (Item No. 39), the Board approved Contract No. 24-132 (Grant Award No. 6 NE11OE000070-02-00) for the CDC’s Strengthening Public Health Infrastructure Grant Program for the Strategy A2 Foundational Capabilities component, in the amount of $1,688,651 or the period of December 1, 2023, through November 30, 2024.


On January 3, 2025, DPH received award notice (Grant Award No. 5 NE11OE000070-03-00) from the CDC for Strengthening Public Health Infrastructure Grant Program Strategy A2 Foundational Capabilities component, in the amount of $1,688,651, for the retroactive period of December 1, 2024, through November 30, 2025.


The Strengthening Public Health Infrastructure Grant Program Strategy A2 Foundational Capabilities component supports continued improvements to County’s public health infrastructure and helps strengthen the response to current and future public health emergencies. DPH will use this funding to help meet critical needs, including expanding the workforce; making system improvements for performance management; operationalizing three mobile medical clinics to provide clinic care and public health services; and facilitating Public Health reaccreditation. Investments in these areas will allow DPH to provide for the safety, health, and social service needs of county residents. 


This item is being presented at this time as this is the first date available for presentation following the required operational, fiscal, and legal reviews. Approval at this time will have no impact on program services and activities.



Not applicable.



This item has been reviewed by County Counsel (Adam Ebright, Deputy County Counsel, 387-5455) on February 04, 2025; Finance (Iliana Rodriguez, Administrative Analyst, 387-4204) on February 25, 2025; and County Finance and Administration (Robert Saldana, Deputy Executive Officer, 387-5423) February 25, 2025.