San Bernardino header
File #: 11767   
Type: Consent Status: Passed
File created: 3/3/2025 Department: Public Works-Transportation
On agenda: 3/11/2025 Final action: 3/11/2025
Subject: Contract with Vance Corporation for the Reche Canyon Road and Other Roads Project in the Colton Area
Attachments: 1. ATT-PW-Trans 3-11-25 Con with Vance Corporation for Reche Canyon Road and Other Roads, Colton Area, Addendum No. 3, 2. ATT-PW-Trans 3-11-25 Con with Vance Corporation for Reche Canyon Road and Other Roads, Colton Area, Addendum No. 2, 3. ATT-PW-Trans 3-11-25 Con with Vance Corporation for Reche Canyon Road and Other Roads, Colton Area, Addendum No. 1, 4. MAP-PW-Trans 3-11-25 Con with Vance Corporation for Reche Canyon Road and Other Roads, Colton Area, 5. ADD-CON-PW-Trans 3-11-25 Con with Vance Corporation for Reche Canyon Road and Other Roads Colton Area, 6. ADD-CON-PW-Trans 3-11-25 Con with City of Colton for Reche Canyon Road and Other Roads, Colton Area - Copy, 7. Item #39 Executed BAI, 8. 25-137 Executed Contract, 9. 25-138 Executed Contract

March 11, 2025

NOEL CASTILLO, Director, Department of Public Works - Transportation

Contract with Vance Corporation for the Reche Canyon Road and Other Roads Project in the Colton Area

1. Approve Cooperative Agreement between San Bernardino County and the City of Colton for pavement improvement on Rancho Avenue, from 0.19 miles south of Valley Boulevard and 0.16 miles northward, in the City of Colton as part of the County's Reche Canyon Road and Other Roads Project, effective upon execution by both parties through December 31, 2028 or completion of the project, whichever occurs first, and wherein the City of Colton shall reimburse the County up to $180,000 of City of Colton's share of the project costs.
2. Approve Addendum No. 1, issued on November 7, 2024, Addendum No. 2, issued on November 25, 2024, and Addendum No. 3, issued on December 13, 2024, to the bid documents for the Reche Canyon Road and Other Roads Project in the Colton area.
3. Award construction contract to Vance Corporation, in the amount of $3,553,529.57, for the Reche Canyon Road and Other Roads Project in the Colton area.
4. Authorize a contingency fund of $355,352 for the Reche Canyon Road and Other Roads Project in the Colton area.
5. Authorize the Director of the Department of Public Works to approve the expenditure of the contingency fund of $355,352 for verified quantity overruns for this unit priced construction contract.
6. Authorize the Director of the Department of Public Works to order any necessary changes or additions in the work being performed under the contract, for a total amount not to exceed $190,176 of the $355,352 contingency fund, pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 20142.
7. Authorize the Director of the Department of Public Works to accept the work when 100% complete and execute and file the Notice of Complet...

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