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Meeting Name: Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting
Meeting date/time: 2/11/2020 10:00 AM  
Meeting location: Covington Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Fair Statement Fair Statement  
Meeting video:  
File #Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
1720 2ConsentRecognitions, Resolutions & ProclamationsAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1674 3ConsentBoards, Commissions & Committee ActionsAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1656 4ConsentAmendment to Revenue Contract with California Department of Aging for Area Plan ServicesAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1684 5ConsentContract with Coffman Associates, Inc. for Chino Airport Master Plan UpdateAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1678 6ConsentAmendment No. 2 to Agreement for Services with Forward Health Group, Inc. for Population Health Management Software Subscription ServicesAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1679 7ConsentAgreement with Avita Medical Americas, LLC. for Purchase of RECELL® Autologous Cell Harvesting DevicesAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1680 8ConsentAmendment No. 7 to Agreement with CareFusion Solutions, LLC for Automated Dispensing Cabinet ServicesAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1681 9ConsentAgreement with Donald C. Miller and Associates for Culinary Support Services.APPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1682 10ConsentAffiliation Agreement with Roseman University of Health Sciences - College of PharmacyAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1687 11ConsentAgreement with Safety Net Connect, Inc. for eCRM Software and support.APPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1688 12ConsentNon-Disclosure Agreement with Hyperbaric Consulting, LLCAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1689 13ConsentAmendment to Agreement with 3M Health Information SystemsAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1690 14ConsentAmendment No. 1 to the Hospital Services Agreement with L.A. Care Health PlanAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1691 15ConsentMemorandum of Understanding with the Arrowhead Regional Medical Center FoundationAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1692 16ConsentArrowhead Regional Medical Center Operations, Policy and Procedure ManualsAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1693 17ConsentMeeting Minutes of the Joint Conference CommitteeAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1694 18ConsentAppointments for Medical and Advanced Practice Professional Staff Membership and/or Clinical Privileges at Arrowhead Regional Medical CenterAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1719 19ConsentAgreement with Nuance Communications, Inc.APPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1670 20ConsentPublic Sale of Tax-Defaulted Property - Tax Sale #370APPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1727 21ConsentAuditor-Controller/Treasurer/Tax Collector Authorization to Use a Primary Fund Family Group to Determine Available Funds and Make Transfers as the Public Interest RequiresAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1658 22ConsentAmendment to Contract with Lighthouse Social Service Centers for Family Stabilization Rapid Re-Housing ServicesAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1659 23ConsentDepartment of Behavioral Health’s Short-Doyle/Medi-Cal Specialty Mental Health Services Published ChargesAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1714 24ConsentAmendment to Contract with Step Up on Second, Inc. for Full Service Partnership Program ServicesAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1654 25ConsentNon-Financial Memorandum of Understanding with Marine Base Logistics Base, Barstow, CaliforniaAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1695 26ConsentGrant Application to the State of California Homeless Coordinating and Financing Council for the Homeless Housing, Assistance and Prevention Program FundingAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1703 27ConsentApprove First Amendment to Grant Agreement with HPI Bloomington III, LLC and HOME Investment Partnerships Act Loan Agreement with Bloomington III Housing Partners, L.P., a California Limited Partnership, for the Bloomington Housing Phase III ProjectAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1650 28ConsentInternal Service Rate and Departmental Recharge AdjustmentsAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1706 29ConsentAgreement with the University of California, Cooperative Extension San Bernardino CountyAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1707 30ConsentContract for Emergency Medical Services Consulting ServicesAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1708 31ConsentAgreement with Plante & Moran, PLLC for Privacy and Security Risk Analysis ServicesAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1709 32ConsentContinuation of Local Emergency for the November 27-29, 2019 Storm EventAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1710 33ConsentContinuation of Local Emergency for the February 13-14, 2019 Storm EventAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1711 34ConsentContinuation of Local Emergency for the July 4 and 5, 2019 Earthquake SwarmAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1716 35ConsentAmendment No. 1 to Outreach Agreement with the California Complete Count Census 2020 for Marketing and Outreach ServicesAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1717 36ConsentFuture Communities Pilot Program Grant Award for the Remote Electronic Warrants ProgramAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1718 37Consent2020 State and Federal Legislative PlatformsAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1645 38ConsentGrant Application to the California Office of Traffic Safety for the San Bernardino County Alcohol and Drug Impaired Vertical Prosecution ProgramAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1646 39ConsentGrant Subaward for the 2019-20 Unserved/Underserved Victim Advocacy and Outreach ProgramAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1649 40ConsentAmendment to Employment Contract for the Children and Families CommissionAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1725 41ConsentEmployment Contract for the Children and Families Commission Business Support ManagerAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1671 42ConsentAmendment No. 1 to Adobe Value Incentive Plan for Large Government AgenciesAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1672 43ConsentMicrosoft Store for Business and Education Services Agreement vAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1673 44ConsentMaster Services Agreement with DigiCert, Inc. for Digital CertificatesAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1651 45ConsentContracts for On-Call Demolition and Site Clearance ServicesAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1715 46ConsentAmendment to contract with PlaceWorks, Inc., for the Countywide Plan and Program Environmental Impact ReportAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1664 47ConsentNon-Financial Memorandum of Understanding with Hope Through Housing Foundation for Data SharingAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1666 48ConsentAmendment to Contract with Management Information Technology USA, Inc., dba ChildPlus SoftwareAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1668 49ConsentAmendment to Contract with Needles Unified School District to Provide Head Start and State Preschool ProgramsAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1669 50ConsentCapital Improvement Project for Preschool Services Department Needs AssessmentAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1700 51ConsentAmendment to and Consent to Assignment of Contract from Lawrence B. Caplin DMD, Inc. to Dentrust, P.C. for Mobile Dental Services.APPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1661 52ConsentNon-Financial Memorandum of Understanding with Montclair Hospital Medical Center for Ontario Federally Qualified Health Center Continuity of CareAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1662 53ConsentAmended Grant Award from the California Department of Public Health for the Women, Infants, and Children Nutrition ProgramAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1712 54ConsentGrant Award from the National Environmental Health Association for the Centers for the Disease Control and Prevention National Environmental Assessment Reporting System FundsAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1722 55ConsentAmendment to Waste Disposal Operations Contract with Arakelian Enterprises, Inc. dba Athens Services   Action details Video Video
1722  ConsentAmendment to Waste Disposal Operations Contract with Arakelian Enterprises, Inc. dba Athens ServicesDEFERRED/APPROVEDPass Action details Video Video
1698 56ConsentParcel Map No. 20012 to Create Three Parcels on 9.29 Acres in the Bloomington AreaAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1644 57ConsentFinal Environmental Impact Report for the Ranchero Road Corridor Widening Project in HesperiaAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1696 58ConsentCalifornia Environmental Quality Act Finding for the Pipeline Avenue and Other Roads Project in the Chino AreaAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1652 59ConsentAmendment No. 2 to Lease Agreement with the Town of Yucca Valley for Library and Office Space in Yucca Valley for the County LibraryAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1655 60ConsentAmendments to Agreements with the Judicial Council of California for the Barstow Courthouse and the Barstow Juvenile Traffic Court in BarstowAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1660 61ConsentUse Permit Agreement with the American Cancer Society, Inc. for Use of Land at the Sheriff’s Regional Training Center in San BernardinoAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1713 62ConsentAmendment No. 1 to Revenue Lease Agreement with Summit Career College, Inc. for Office Space Acquired for the Information Services Department in ColtonAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1657 63ConsentAward Construction Contract to McCarthy Building Companies, Inc. for 323 Building Acquisition and Remodel ProjectAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1683 64ConsentContract with Precision Material Management, LLC to Provide Delivery and Courier Services of Elections to Various Locations Throughout the County.APPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1685 65ConsentAnnual expenditure report of the Inmate Welfare FundAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1686 66ConsentTravel Request - Inmate Welfare Committee MembersAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1676 67ConsentMemorandum of Understanding with Friends of the Big Bear Alpine ZooAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1675 68ConsentCounty Service Area 59 - Road Rehabilitation Project - Categorical Exemption, Plans and SpecificationsAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1677 69ConsentContract with Southern California Gas Company for Extension of Natural Gas Lines in CSA 70, Zone CG (Cedar Glen)APPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1663 70ConsentAppropriation Adjustment for Capital Improvement Projects within the Mountain Regional Service ZoneAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1667 71ConsentGrant Award from the California Fire Foundation for a Fire Prevention Education Campaign.APPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1701 72ConsentAmendment to Revenue Contract with California Speedway Corporation for Fire and Life Safety Protection ServicesAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1704 73ConsentRevenue Lease Agreement with Morongo Basin ARCH for Use of San Bernardino County Fire Protection District Facility in Joshua TreeAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1653 74ConsentEmployment Contract for the In-Home Supportive Services Public AuthorityAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1697 75ConsentContract Assignment from Steven Porter dba Porter’s Firewood to S. Porter, Inc.APPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
1705 76ConsentRefund of Special Taxes Due to Court Judgment - Fire Protection Service Zone 5 (Upland and San Antonio Heights)DEFERRED/APPROVEDPass Action details Video Video
1647 77DiscussionLas Terrazas Multifamily Rental Housing Tax-Exempt FinancingAPPROVEDPass Action details Video Video
1702 78DiscussionIntroduction of Proposed Ordinance relating to Rules and Regulations for Park and Recreation ServicesAPPROVED (SEE ACTION DETAILS)Pass Action details Video Video