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Meeting Name: Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting
Meeting date/time: 3/11/2025 10:00 AM  
Meeting location: Covington Chambers
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Accessible Agenda Accessible Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video:  
File #Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
11760 2ConsentRecognitions, Resolutions & ProclamationsAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
11774 3ConsentBoards, Commissions & Committee ActionsAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
11730 4ConsentNon-Financial Contract with Grand Canyon University for Field Experience and Student Training in Counseling and Social WorkAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
11736 5ConsentArrowhead Regional Medical Center Operations, Policy, and Procedure ManualsAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
11737 6ConsentPurchase Orders with Teleflex LLC for Vascular Access SuppliesAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
11738 7ConsentAmendment to Contract with Professional Research Consultants, Inc. for Patient, Employee and Physician Engagement Surveys and Rounding ServicesAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
11747 8ConsentAmendment to Contract with Blood Bank of San Bernardino and Riverside Counties dba LifeStream for Blood, Blood Components, Therapeutic Apheresis Services, Immunohematology Services and Clinical ConsultationsAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
11751 9ConsentNon-Financial Data Transfer and Use Agreement with The Regents of the University of California, on behalf of its Irvine Campus for Access to De-identified Patient Data for ResearchAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
11752 10ConsentAmendment to Agreement with Howmedica Osteonics Corp. for Orthopedic Implants for Surgical PatientsAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
11733 11ConsentBudget Adjustments for SAP S/4 HANA with RISE Annual SubscriptionAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
11755 12ConsentBudget Adjustment for the Providing Access and Transforming Health - Justice-Involved Planning and Capacity Building Program - Round 3APPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
11756 13ConsentAmendment to Standard Agreement Template for Substance Use Disorder and Recovery Services Withdrawal Management and Residential Treatment ServicesAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
11783 14ConsentContract with T.R.L. Systems, Incorporated for Genetec and Lenel Card Access Control SystemAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
11763 15ConsentBudget Adjustment for Emergency Homelessness Assistance FundingAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
11764 16ConsentAmendment to Grant Agreement with the California Department of Housing and Community Development to Fund Homeless ServicesAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
11768 17ConsentRefinancing of the Citrus Grove Apartments in RialtoAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
11731 18ConsentDelegation of Authority to the Chief Executive Officer to Execute Chino Basin Watermaster FormsAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
11732 19ConsentProperty Tax Exchange Related to LAFCO 3271 - Annexation to the Barstow Fire Protection DistrictAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
11781 20ConsentBoard of Supervisors Discretionary Fund - District Specific Priorities ProgramAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
11728 21ConsentConsent to Waiver of a Potential Conflict of InterestAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
11761 22ConsentEmployment Contract for Consumer Environmental Protection SpecialistAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
11762 23ConsentAmendments to Employment Contracts for Contract AttorneysAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
11775 24ConsentSide Letter Agreement with Teamsters Local 1932APPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
11734 25ConsentStandard Employment Contract Template for the Children and Families Commission for San Bernardino CountyAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
11765 26ConsentContract with Consiliant Technologies LLC for Hitachi Vantara Virtual Storage Platform Upgrade, Maintenance, and Support Services.APPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
11748 27ConsentAcceptance of Gift from the Hesperia Friends of the Library GroupAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
11769 28ConsentEncampment Resolution Funding Program Grant AcceptanceAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
11770 29ConsentGrant Award from the State of California Department of Housing and Community Development for the Homeless Housing, Assistance and Prevention Round 5 Program FundingAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
11771 30ConsentContinuation of Emergency Related to Remediation of Emergency Project Necessary to Replace the Bertha Peak Power Lines and Poles in Big BearAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
11776 31ConsentBudget Adjustments for Arrowhead Regional Medical Center’s Capital Improvement Program ProjectsAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
11780 32ConsentConstruction Contract with S.A.S. Constructions for the 412 W. Hospitality Lane Upgrades ProjectAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
11739 33ConsentAmendment to Contract with M3 Group Inc., dba Mission Mobile Medical Group for Upgrades to Three Mobile Health ClinicsAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
11743 34ConsentGrant Award from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for Strengthening Public Health Infrastructure Grant ProgramAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
11744 35ConsentGrant Award from the United States Department of Health and Human Services for the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Part A HIV Emergency Relief Project GrantAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
11745 36ConsentNon-financial Memorandum of Understanding with the California Department of Public Health to Establish the California Epidemiologic Investigation Service Fellowship ProgramAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
11757 37ConsentNon-Financial Right of Entry License Agreement for Access with State of California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation for Cypress Channel Survey in the Chino AreaAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
11758 38ConsentEstablish Speed Limit on Easton Street in the Rialto AreaAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
11767 39ConsentContract with Vance Corporation for the Reche Canyon Road and Other Roads Project in the Colton AreaAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
11772 40ConsentAmendment to Contract with Vital Records Control, Inc. for Offsite Record/Data Storage and Retrieval ServicesAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
11777 41ConsentAmendment to Revenue Lease Agreement with the Yucaipa Valley Youth Soccer Organization to Operate and Maintain the Yucaipa Valley Regional Soccer ComplexAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
11749 42ConsentRenewal of Property Insurance Coverage for County Buildings Through Public Risk Innovation, Solutions, and ManagementAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
11735 43Consent2025 San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department SEAT Heat Barbeque and Chili Cook-Off Fundraising ActivityAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
11778 44Consent2024-25 Budget Adjustments and Unbudgeted Capital Asset PurchasesAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
11773 45ConsentWorkforce Innovation and Opportunity Act San Bernardino County Local Plan and Inland Empire Regional Plan for Program Years 2025-2028APPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
11741 46ConsentFacility Use Agreement with Inyo County for Liaison Office WorkspaceAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
11746 47ConsentPurchase Order with DLX Enterprises, LLC for Disaster Related Shelter EquipmentAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
11750 48ConsentAmendment to Lease Agreement with San Bernardino City Unified School District for the New Development of Fire Station 227 in San BernardinoAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
11740 49ConsentMemorandum of Understanding to Create and Support an Emergency Medical Services Corps ProgramAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
11742 50ConsentEmergency Medical Services Pediatric Trauma Fund DisbursementsAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
11759 51ConsentCapital Improvement Program Projects for Fire Stations 26, 41, 42, and 99APPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
11782 52ConsentAdoption of an Amendment to Ordinance No. 1904 Relating to Updating of Positions in the Unclassified ServiceAPPROVED (CONSENT CALENDAR)Pass Action details Not available
11729 53Discussion2025-26 Fee WorkshopRECEIVED PRESENTATION Pass Action details Video Video