cross arms, cross arm hardware, power poles, tree trimming, and tree removal, finding that the
issuance of these purchase orders and/or contracts is necessary to respond to this emergency
pursuant to Public Contract Code sections 22035 and 22050 (Four votes required).
(Presenter: Don Day, Director, 387-5000)
1. Approve a budget increase in the amount of $1,874,461 to Capital Improvement Program
Project No. 19-134 (WBSE 10.10.0839), increasing the total project budget from
$2,767,012 to $4,641,473, to replace the aging hospital public address system.
2. Approve a budget increase in the amount of $2,113,215 to Capital Improvement Program
Project No. 20-013 (WBSE 10.10.0845), increasing the total project budget from $363,485
to $2,476,700, to replace the data room cooling system.
3. Approve a budget increase in the amount of $28,596,878 to Capital Improvement Program
Project No. 20-163 (WBSE 10.10.0949), increasing the total project budget from
$6,420,988 to $35,017,866, to replace the existing nurse call system and install a real-time
locating system.
4. Approve a budget increase in the amount of $5,924,660 to Capital Improvement Program
Project No. 21-047 (WBSE 10.10.1054), increasing the total project budget from
$5,331,490 to $11,256,150, to replace the cooling tower.
5. Approve a budget increase in the amount of $1,227,858 to Capital Improvement Program
Project No. 21-056 (WBSE 10.10.1057), increasing the total project budget from
$4,800,302 to $6,028,160, to modernize and upgrade the main lobby elevators.
6. Approve a budget increase in the amount of $71,662 to Capital Improvement Program
Project No. 19-068 (WBSE 10.10.0720), increasing the total project budget from $755,828
to $827,490, to replace the variable frequency drives in the central plant.
7. Approve a budget increase in the amount of $700,000 to Capital Improvement Program
Project No. 19-126 (WBSE 10.10.0777), increasing the total project budget from
$1,450,000 to $2,150,000, for the development of funding ready packages, continuation of
program management services, and pre-design services for various projects.
8. Authorize the Auditor-Controller/Treasurer/Tax Collector to post the necessary budget
adjustments as detailed in the Financial Impact section (Four votes required).
(Presenter: Don Day, Director, 387-5000)
1. Approve Addendum No. 1 to the bid documents for the 412 W. Hospitality Lane Upgrades
Project, dated November 21, 2024, providing clarifications to contractors’ questions and
request for information.
2. Award construction contract to S.A.S. Constructions, in the amount of $2,726,018, for the
412 W. Hospitality Lane Upgrades Project, for a contract period of 150 calendar days from
the date of the issuance of the Notice to Proceed.
3. Approve a budget increase in the amount of $1,200,121, from $2,677,953 to $3,878,074,
for the 412 W. Hospitality Lane Upgrades Project in San Bernardino.
4. Authorize the Auditor-Controller/Treasure/Tax Collector to post the necessary budget
adjustments, as detailed in the Financial Impact section (Four Votes Required).
5. Authorize the Director of the Project and Facilities Management Department to order any
necessary changes or additions in the work being performed under the construction
contract, for a total amount not to exceed $148,801, pursuant to Public Contract Code
Section 20142.
6. Authorize the Director of the Project and Facilities Management Department to accept the
work when 100% complete and execute and file the Notice of Completion.
(Presenter: Don Day, Director, 387-5000)
Public Health
33) Approve Amendment No. 1 to Contract No. 24-617 with M3 Group Inc., dba Mission Mobile
Medical Group, for dental and internet connectivity upgrades to three mobile health clinics, to
provide healthcare services to San Bernardino County residents, increasing the contract