December 7, 2021
BRENDON BIGGS, Director, Department of Public Works -Transportation
Transportation Development Act Article 3 Grant Awards for Pedestrian Improvements, Bloomington and San Bernardino Area
1. Accept grant funds awarded by the San Bernardino County Transportation Authority at its Directors Meeting on November 3, 2021 (Agenda Item No. 17), in the amount of $85,500, under the 2021 Transportation Development Act Article 3 Call for Projects for pedestrian improvements around Mary B. Lewis and Gerald A. Smith Elementary Schools in the Bloomington area.
2. Accept grant funds awarded by the San Bernardino County Transportation Authority at its Directors Meeting on November 3, 2021 (Agenda Item No. 17), in the amount of $69,300, under the 2021 Transportation Development Act Article 3 Call for Projects for westbound bus stop improvements at 3rd Street and Pedley Road in the San Bernardino area.
3. Authorize the Director of the Department of Public Works to certify completion of each project.
4. Authorize the Director of the Department of Public Works to submit reimbursement request claim forms within six months of the project award by San Bernardino County Transportation Authority.
(Presenter: Brendon Biggs, Director, 387-7906)
Operate in a Fiscally-Responsible and Business-Like Manner.
Ensure Development of a Well-Planned, Balanced and Sustainable County.
Provide for the Safety, Health and Social Service Needs of County Residents.
Approval of this item will not result in the use of Discretionary General Funding (Net County Cost). The Department of Public Works (Department) is funded by Gas Tax revenue, fee revenue and other state and local funding. The total estimated cost to install pedestrian improvements around Mary B. Lewis and Gerald A. Smith Elementary Schools in the Bloomington Area (Project #1) is $171,000, which will be funded by a Transportation Development Act Article 3 (TDA Article 3) grant award from the San Bernardino County Transportation Authority (SBCTA) of $85,500 and the Department’s Gas Tax revenue of $85,500, as the local match. The total estimated cost to install improvements at the Omnitrans westbound bus stop at 3rd Street and Pedley Road in the San Bernardino area (Project #2) is $77,000, which will be funded by a TDA Article 3 grant award of $69,300 from SBCTA and an Omnitrans in-kind contribution of $7,700 consisting of the installation of a bus shelter. Sufficient appropriation and revenue are included in the Department’s 2021-22 Road Operations budget.
On June 7, 2021, SBCTA announced the 2021 TDA Article 3 call for projects. The TDA Article 3 provides that 2 percent of the Local Transportation Funds (LTF) be made available to counties and cities for facilities for the exclusive use of pedestrians and bicyclists, known as TDA Article 3 Program, with SBCTA overseeing the disbursement of these funds.
Project #1 will construct pedestrian improvements to enhance access to both Mary B. Lewis Elementary and Gerald A. Smith Elementary Schools. Both schools are located in low-density neighborhoods within the unincorporated community of Bloomington. The improvements include installation of ladder style crosswalks, rectangular rapid flashing beacons, school crossing signage, speed feedback signs, and red curb painting.
Project #2 includes the replacement of the current boarding area with a new Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)-compliant boarding area, construction of an improved level concrete surface, repairs to the sidewalk connecting the bus stop at the southeast intersection of Pedley Road and 3rd Street and an ADA-compliant curb ramp at the northwest corner of the intersection.
On August 3, 2021, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) authorized submission of both grant applications to SBCTA under TDA Article 3, requesting $85,500 in TDA Article 3 grant funding and providing $85,500 of Gas Tax revenue as a 50% local match to fund the $171,000 total costs for Project #1, and requesting $69,300 in TDA Article 3 grant funding, with Omnitrans providing the $7,700 in-kind contribution as a local match to fund the $77,000 total costs for Project #2.
On November 3, 2021, the SBCTA Board of Directors awarded grant funding for both projects.
This project meets the County and CEO goals and objectives of operating in a fiscally-responsible and business-like manner, ensuring the development of a well-planned, balanced and sustainable community, providing for the safety, health and social service needs of County residents by securing grant funding for projects encouraging walking, biking and healthy activities.
Construction of both Projects is expected to commence in Summer 2022.
Not applicable.
This item has been reviewed by County Counsel (Aaron Gest, Deputy County Counsel, 387-5455) on November 9, 2021; Finance (Jessica Trillo, Administrative Analyst, 387-4222) on November 12, 2021; and County Finance and Administration (Paloma Hernandez-Barker, Deputy Executive Officer, 387-5423) on November 18, 2021.